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SECTION 1. Name. The name of the organization shall be The Studio Booster Club. It may be referred to as “The Studio Family Barre Club,” “TSBC,” “SBC,” or the “Barre Club.”


SECTION 2. Location. The principal location shall be PO Box 1862, Loveland, CO, 80539.



SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of The Studio Booster Club is to provide financial support to company and performance team dancers at The Studio for performance-related expenses.

SECTION 2. Mission. Creating fundraising opportunities for parents of students at The Studio.




SECTION 1. Eligibility. Membership is voluntary. Members of The Studio Booster Club shall be parents/guardians of company and performance team dancers at The Studio, or the same dancers at The Studio who are 18 years of age or older. Membership is effective upon submission of the membership application form and payment of dues.


SECTION 2. Dues. Annual membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The cost of dues shall be per dancer and will be the same for each dancer joining, including dancers who are related. Variation of dues for any dancer requires a vote of the officers of the board. Dues are not refundable.


SECTION 3. Commitment. Commitment to The Studio Booster Club shall be the same as the fiscal year of the organization.


SECTION 4. Voting. Members do not have voting rights but are eligible to join the Board of Directors.


SECTION 5. Unusual Termination:


A. The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may terminate the membership of any member for reasonable cause. Reasonable cause may be considered, but not limited to, any behavior that is unbecoming to a member representing The Studio Booster Club.


B. Any member may terminate membership by filing a written notice with the secretary; however, such termination shall not relieve the member of the obligation to pay any dues or other charges incurred and unpaid. Funds remaining in the member’s account 14 days after termination will be absorbed into The Studio Booster Club general account. 




SECTION 1. Governance. Governance of The Studio Booster Club shall be vested in a board of directors which shall include the officers of the corporation. The number of directors shall be fixed by resolution of the board of directors within a range of no less than three or more than fifteen (excluding exofficio members of the board).


SECTION 2. Election of Directors. Directors will be elected by a majority vote at the general meeting held in June of every year.


SECTION 3. Term of Office. A director will serve a one-year term and is eligible for re-election.


SECTION 4. Director Expectations. Directors should be knowledgeable about the organization and have a commitment to its goals and objectives. Participation in fundraising and community outreach of the organization is essential and directors should attend events hosted by The Studio Booster Club as often as possible.


SECTION 5. Director Resignation. Any director may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the president, vice president, or secretary. Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, resignation shall take effect upon receipt, and acceptance shall not be necessary to make it effective.


SECTION 6. Absence Considered a Resignation. Absence from three consecutive meetings of the board of directors without a valid reason in the judgment of the board of directors shall be considered a resignation constituting a vacancy to be filled by the board.


SECTION 7. Removal of Director. Any director my be removed from the board of directors without cause by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the directors present at an official meeting of the board. At least five days’ notice will be given to the affected director, who will be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting at which the removal will be considered.


SECTION 8. Compensation and Expenses. No compensation will be paid to any member of the board for services as a member of the board. By resolution of the board, reasonable expenses may be allowed for special services rendered by any director and for attendance at regular and special meetings of the board.


SECTION 9. Definition of a Director. A director shall be a natural person who is at least 18 years of age.


SECTION 10. Ex-officio Members: A. The owner/director of The Studio shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the board of directors. Said owner/director can designate representatives to attend board meetings in his or her place. B. Other ex-officio members can be elected or appointed to the board as recommended and shall have voting rights.




SECTION 1. Titles, Election, and Term. At the general meeting in June of every year, the board of directors shall elect from its members the officers of The Studio Booster Club, which shall include a board president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, fundraising coordinator, and retail coordinator. Officers shall hold office for one year and may serve consecutive terms. The same person may 3 simultaneously hold more than one office. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of active directors present during the election. No proxy votes will be accepted. In the event there are two people running for one board position, there will be secret ballot voting.


SECTION 2. Vacancy. A vacancy in any office may be filled by a majority vote of the board of directors for the unexpired portion of the term.

SECTION 3. Duties. The duties of each officer shall be those ordinarily associated with that office. They include, but are not limited to:

A. PRESIDENT: The president shall preside at all meetings of TSBC, develop the agenda for each general meeting, appoint committee chairpersons, act as the primary liaison between The Studio Booster Club and the owner/director of The Studio, delegate board responsibilities as needed, and oversee the operations of the Corporation. 


B. VICE PRESIDENT: The vice president shall assume duties of the President in his/her absence, or when called upon to do so, act as timekeeper at meetings, and perform duties as assigned.


C. SECRETARY: The secretary shall record minutes of all board meetings and distribute them to the board of directors. The secretary shall coordinate all correspondence concerning TSBC and keep a historical file of all policies and procedures, letters, records, and reports.


D. TREASURER: The treasurer shall manage TSBC financial transactions (including earmarked funds such as dancer accounts), maintain financial records, provide comprehensive financial reports at meetings, and prepare (or arrange preparation of) State and Federal tax forms/reports. The treasurer shall also assist the president in the development of the annual budget.


E. FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR: The fundraising coordinator shall be responsible for the organization and facilitation of all fundraising activities other than scrip fundraising. This position works closely with the retail coordinator and may share responsibility with retail coordinator for any retail fundraising other than scrip.


F. RETAIL COORDINATOR: The retail coordinator shall be responsible for the organization and facilitation of any scrip fundraising. This position works closely with the fundraising coordinator and may share responsibility for any other retail fundraising with the fundraising coordinator.




SECTION 1. Meetings. The Studio Booster Club board of directors shall meet at least quarterly at a place designated by the board president. The location of meetings will vary and will be published and sent to members at least two weeks prior to each meeting. Directors shall notify the president if unable to attend a meeting.


SECTION 2. Quorum. A majority of board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


SECTION 3. Voting. At a meeting at which a quorum is present, decisions shall be decided by a simple majority vote of directors present. The president may only vote in the event of a tie vote of the membership.  


A. Actions requiring a vote include election of officers, revision of the bylaws, approval of new expenditures, addition or revision of policies and procedures, and commitment to a project, event, or goal. Other issues may be brought to a vote at the discretion of the president.


B. Board members may be polled by telephone or e-mail. Results must be given to the secretary and recorded in the minutes of the following general meeting.


SECTION 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the board of directors shall meet at the call of the president, or on written call signed by any three board members.




SECTION 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of The Studio Booster Club shall be July 1 through June 30 of each year.




SECTION 1. Indemnification. The directors shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the corporation. The directors and officers of the corporation shall be indemnified by the Corporation to the fullest extent permissible under the laws of the State of Colorado. Except as may be otherwise provided under provisions of law, the board of directors may adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase and maintenance of insurance on behalf of any agent of the corporation (including a director, officer, employee, or other agent of the corporation) against liabilities asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity or rising out of the agents status as such, whether or not the corporation would have the power to indemnify the agent against such liability under the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, or provisions of law.




SECTION 1. Nondiscrimination Policy. The Studio Booster Club is committed to a policy of fair representation on the board of directors and will not discriminate on the basis of race, disability, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or geography.




SECTION 1. Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of The Studio Booster Club and after the payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of the Corporation, the board of directors in its sole discretion shall cause the net assets of the Corporation to be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for public purpose. Such distribution shall be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Colorado.


Bylaws revised May of 2019.

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